About Us

The world top scientists already stated that climate change is happening all around the world and that human activities are the principal cause. Right now, the effects are already widespread, costly and consequential – from the tropics to the poles, from small islands to large continents, and from the poorest countries to the wealthiest. Climate change is not only affecting agriculture, water resources, human health, and ecosystems on land and in the oceans, it also sets economic stability and security on risk.

That’s why COP21 and a new universal climate agreement will set the road for future actions on climate change.

Who we are?

We are five environmentally-conscious Sciences Po students who are worried about what happens around us. People – no matter if friends or strangers, if old or young, if student or CEO – don’t care enough about climate change, because they don’t know enough about it and they don’t feel affected.

Our mission:

With our website, we want to educate and raise awareness for our environment, climate change and COP21. But our aim is also to engage people and to demonstrate that an increasing number of government leaders, policymakers, businesses and concerned citizens are beginning to comprehend the costs of a warming planet.

Enjoy discovering our page!

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