
Lincoln Quillian

Sciences Po a le plaisir de recevoir Lincoln Quillian, Professeur de sociologie à Northwestern University, jusqu’au 6 juillet 2010.
Lincoln Quillian est installé à l’OSC, bureau des Professeurs invités.
Il interviendra au prochain séminaire scientifique de l’OSC, vendredi 11 juin, de 9h à 11H, salle 214 de la MSH et au séminaire doctoral de sociologie, jeudi 10 juin, de 15h à 17h, salle 433 de la MSH.
Northwestern University Associate Professor; Ph.D. Harvard 1997.
Areas of interest include social stratification, race and ethnicity, urban sociology, and quantitative research methods. Most of his research has focused on how social structure and group demography influence inequality and inter-group attitudes, with special emphasis to race and ethnicity. Along these lines, he has studied how the relative size racial minority groups influence racial attitudes. He has investigated the patterns of migration that underlie segregation on the basis of race and income in American cities. Recently, he has published on the influence of race on adolescent friendship patterns and (with Devah Pager) on perceptions of neighborhood crime levels. Current projects include studies of the consequences of urban spatial segregation among income groups and the development of racial stereotypes.

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