Villes et Territoires

A Comparative Study of Responses to Discrimination by Members of Stigmatized Groups

Lundi 30 mai 2011 de 9h45 à 12h30, Sciences Po 28 rue des Saints-Pères, salle H401

Présentation par Michèle Lamont, Professeur de sociologie à Harvard University, du projet de recherche intitulé « A Comparative Study of Responses to Discrimination by Members of Stigmatized Groups ».

Résumé du projet

This international multidisciplinary project analyzes the discursive and behavioral strategies that members of stigmatized groups use to cope with racism and discrimination. We compare the accounts of these strategies produced by middle and working class men and women. We focus on members of minority groups living in mixed cities: negros in Rio de Janiero, African-Americans in New York, and Ethiopian immigrants, Mizrahis, and Muslim Palestinian citizens in Tel Aviv/Jaffa. We study how the range and salience of strategies are affected by perceived discrimination across these national contexts, by national ideologies, and other available cultural repertoires.

Site du projet

La séance est coordonnée par Marco Oberti et Agathe Voisin

Contact : Agathe Voisin

Toutes les informations sur le site : Cities are back in town


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