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Friday 13th October – Sex, Boardrooms and Transnational Corporate Space: When Does Board Diversity Benefit Firms? by Darren Rosenblum

Friday, October 13th 2017 / 14.00 – 16.30

Meeting room (410T), Ecole de Droit, 13 rue de l’université 

By DARREN ROSENBLUM (Professor of Law, Pace Law School)

Firms embrace diversity, but vague predictions of a “diversity dividend” leave regulators and market actors unclear about what specific benefits to expect. In this seminar, Prof. Rosenblum will argue that we can only assess how sex diversity leads to improved performance by understanding the who, what, and where of diversity’s benefit. Whether sex diversity produces a “diversity dividend” depends on three key factors: (1) the nature of the benefit of including women (whether their experience or other qualities); (2) the kind of firm and its governance; and (3) the jurisdiction(s) in which the firm operates.

Only by further investigating the precise conditions under which diversity will have an effect can we estimate sex diversity’s potential instrumental benefits. This seminar melds corporate governance theory with critical gender analysis to explain how firms worldwide are attempting to incorporate sex diversity, and when these efforts may prove fruitful.

To access the full version of Prof. Rosenblum’s article, please contact lucia.bizikova@sciencespo.fr


Due to security measures, access to Sciences Po buildings is restricted. If you intend to attend the seminar, please send an email to filipe.silva@sciencespo.fr indicating your full name. Security officers will be provided with the list of participants.

Do not forget to bring a VALID ID.