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Friday 23 February 2018 – Constitutional Geography and Geopolitics by Professor Günter Frankenberg

Constitutional Geography and Geopolitics

Professor Günter Frankenberg
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main – Institute for Public Law)

Partition comes neither naturally nor happens by accident. It results from bitter controversy. War, civil war and occupation often precede territorial separation. Whereas liberation struggles are likely to inspire secession on the part of separatist movements, political division may be the upshot of strategic plans devised by occupying powers and colonial regimes and is liable to be charted in geographical and geopolitical terms. I will discuss models of constitutional geography and constitutional narratives covering or denying partition.

Friday February 23rd, 2018
14.45 – 16.45
Sciences Po, 9 rue de la Chaise, 75007 Paris, Room 933

Due to security measures, access to Sciences Po buildings is restricted.
If you intend to attend the seminar, please send an email to filipe.silva@sciencespo.fr 
indicating your full name. Security officers will be provided with the list of participants.  

Do not forget to bring a VALID ID.