As French As Everyone Else? by Sylvain Brouard and Vincent Tiberj

As French As Everyone Else? A Survey of French Citizens of Maghrebin, African, and Turkish Origin,  by Sylvain Brouard and Vincent Tiberj

Foreword by Paul M. Sniderman, Translated by Jennifer Fredett, Temple University Press

« As French as Everyone Else? is a timely, unique, and major contribution. Brouard and Tiberj—leading French political science researchers—offer a concise book on the important case of France. Given the relatively large size of the country’s immigrant population and its political and social significance, its study is especially relevant. These scholars examine in depth the cultural, political, and religious attitudes of this very important community. It is one about which little is known, in a scientific sense, until now. »
Michael Lewis-Beck, F. Wendell Miller Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Iowa and author of How France Votes, The French Voter: Before and After the 2002 Elections, and French Presidential Elections

France is often depicted as the model of assimilationist or republican integration in the international literature on immigration. However, rarely have surveys drilled down to provide individual responses from a double representative sample. In As French as Everyone Else?, Sylvain Brouard and Vincent Tiberj provide a comprehensive assessment of the state of integration in France by systematically comparing the « new French » immigrants, as well as their children and grandchildren born in France, with a sample of the French general population. More information.

Vincent Tiberj is Associate Research Professor FNSP since 2002, where he specialises in comparative electoral behaviour (France, United States and Europe), the political psychology of ordinary citizens, the sociology of inequalities, the politics of immigration and integration and survey research and methodology. He has been visiting scholar at Stanford University and Oxford University. He also co-ordinates the methodological curricula in the PhD program of Sciences Po. See his publications.

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