Sciences Po’s academic community pays homage to Richard Descoings

Sciences Po’s academic community pays homage to Richard Descoings

It is with immense sadness that Sciences Po’s research community learned of the untimely death of Richard Descoings.

He worked continually throughout his 16 years at the head of the FNSP and IEP to consolidate, enlarge and internationalise our community, which now numbers more than 200.

Today we pay homage to Richard Descoings, who helped to transform Sciences Po into a university of true international stature. We salute the very high ambitions that he had for research at Sciences Po and the profound innovations that he introduced regarding the recruitment of students and the working conditions of the academic community, as well as his courage and perseverance in fully implementing these reforms. The full extent of his accomplishments will become clear in time. For now, we – the heads of Sciences Po’s departments and research centres – wish to express our gratitude for his work and to mark our deep attachment to his achievements.

The directors of the research centres and departments at Sciences Po :
Alain Chenu, Renaud Dehousse, Alain Dieckhoff, Christophe Jamin, Marc Lazar, Christian Lequesne, Laurent Lesnard, Philippe Martin, Christine Musselin, Marco Oberti, Pascal Perrineau, Jean-François Sirinelli and Philippe Weil.

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