News in english

Olivier Rozenberg & al. publish « The Roles and Function of Parliamentary Questions »

The Roles and Function of Parliamentary Questions Edited by Shane Martin & Olivier Rozenberg Published April 5th 2012 by Routledge Parliamentary questions are a feature of almost all national legislatures. Despite this, we know very little about how questions are used by MPs and what impact questions have on controlling the government. This volume advances our theoretical and empirical knowledge of the use of questioning in a number of different parliamentary settings. The propensity of parliamentarians to ask questions indicates that the interrogatories are an important tool for [...]

Sciences Po’s academic community pays homage to Richard Descoings

Sciences Po’s academic community pays homage to Richard Descoings It is with immense sadness that Sciences Po’s research community learned of the untimely death of Richard Descoings. He worked continually throughout his 16 years at the head of the FNSP and IEP to consolidate, enlarge and internationalise our community, which now numbers more than 200. Today we pay homage to Richard Descoings, who helped to transform Sciences Po into a university of true international stature. We salute the very high ambitions that he had for research at Sciences Po and the profound innovations that he [...]

Elections 2012 – Suivez la recherche de Sciences Po en temps réel – Keep up with Sciences Po’s research in real time

Découvrez « Elections 2012 » le site et la page Facebook qui regroupent toutes les analyses, les enquêtes et les outils développés par la recherche de Sciences Po : enjeux électoraux, politiques publiques, sondages… Accèder à la page Facebook Elections 2012 Accèder à la page Elections 2012 Check out Sciences Po’s « Elections 2012 » website and Facebook page, which pull together all the election-year analysis, studies and tools developed by our researchers, including discussion of the key issues, polls and many other [...]

The International Encyclopedia of Political Science published by B.Badie & al. has been awarded

The International Encyclopedia of Political Science published by Bertand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser and Leonardo Morlino (eds.) has been awarded an Honorable Mention for the Dartmouth Medal. Established in 1974, this medal honors the creation of a reference work of outstanding quality and significance. Dartmouth Medal Honorable Mention certificates may also be presented. More information about the Dartmouth Medal. About the Encyclopedia : With entries from leading international scholars from around the world, the International Encyclopedia of Political Science provides a definitive, [...]

OFCE – the French Economic Observatory – is launching its English-speaking blog

OFCE, the French Economic Observatory, is pleased to launch its English-speaking blog aimed at the international community of professional economists, policy makers, academics, journalists and concerned citizens. The mission entrusted to OFCE by its founding partners (the French government and the Paris-based Sciences Po) is to bring the insights of economics to bear, in complete independence, on the analysis of the policy challenges facing France. In our globalized world, many if not most of OFCE contributions are relevant beyond France – which is I am happy to present them to you, from [...]

Transnational Shia Politics Religious and Political Networks in the Gulf

Transnational Shia Politics Religious and Political Networks in the Gulf by Laurence Louër (ed.) Hurst A timely book on the origins and present situation of militant Shia networks in the Gulf, Kuwait, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, which are the offspring of Iraqi movements. Reviews ‘This remarkably nuanced study of Shiite politics in the Gulf region looks at the increasing visibility of Shiism there beyond the stereotyped narratives of sectarian conflict, minority identity and Iranian policy that are generally invoked to describe the character of Arab Shiism. Louer gives us a fascinating [...]

Le contexte politique à six mois de l’élection présidentielle – The political context Six months out from the election

Le contexte politique à six mois de l’élection présidentielle The political context Six months out from the election TriElec 2012 Résultats du sondage  TNS SOFRES  pour TriElec 2012 : Le contexte politique à six mois de l’élection présidentielle Results of the TNS SOFRES poll for TriElec 2012: the political context six months out from the presidential election.  Réalisé les 20 et 21 octobre dernier auprès d’un échantillon de 1009 personnes interrogées par téléphone, ce sondage met en évidence un intérêt renouvelé des Français pour la politique et la campagne [...]

Etienne Wasmer a reçu le Prix Wolowski – Étienne Wasmer has been awarded the prestigious Prix Wolowski

Etienne Wasmer a reçu le Prix Wolowski de l’Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques pour son ouvrage Principes de microéconomie. Étienne Wasmer has been awarded the prestigious Prix Wolowski by the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques for his book Principles of Microecnomics (Pearson, 2010). Ce manuel avait déjà reçu en 2010 le prix du meilleur livre destiné aux étudiants en économie et publié par un économiste français, délivré par l’Association française de science économique. Ce prix est décerné tous les quatre ans alternativement à un ouvrage de [...]

The Habitele project (“Habitele: wearable digital identities”) has been selected by the ANR

The Habitele project (“Habitele: wearable digital identities”) has been selected by the ANR committee of the call “sociétés innovantes” The project is lead by Sciences Po Centre d’Etudes Européennes (Dominique Boullier, project leader) with a partnership in Computer Sciences with Telecom Paris Tech (Artur Hecker’s team). The project aims to test a theoretical framework labelled “Habitele” by Dominique Boullier. This neologism seeks to account for the anthropological transformation we are experiencing, as two thirds of human beings have become equipped with a mobile phone [...]

The political economy of voting: wealth, taxation, and redistribution, a new research project

The political economy of voting: wealth, taxation, and redistribution, a new research project from Sciences Po gets funding from Paris’ research program “Emergence(s)”. Since the famous word of Bill Clinton « It’s the economy, stupid » in 1992, the impact of the economy on elections is a well-established fact. Political science and economics have proposed a theory of economic voting. This project aims at filing in some gaps of this literature. For instance, this project involves taking into account not only voters’ revenues but also voters’ [...]

The European Research Council has awarded an ERC Starting Grant to Jenny Andersson

The European Research Council has awarded an ERC Starting Grant to Jenny Andersson for her research project : A political history of the future: knowledge production and future governance 1945-2010 Jenny Andersson is a research fellow CNRS at CERI. The ERC Starting Grants aim to support up-and-coming research leaders who are about to establish or consolidate a proper research team and to start conducting their independent research in Europe. Her research project – A political history of the future: knowledge production and future governance 1945-2010 – FUTUREPOL – studies [...]

Profile of Laurent Lesnard, winner of CNRS Bronze Medal 2011

The Bronze Medal is awarded for a researcher’s first work, which heralds their arrival as a talented new specialist in their field. This accolade is an encouragement from CNRS to continue with research that is already ground-breaking and fruitful. Laurent Lesnard is a sociologist of time in contemporary societies. He studies questions of individual and domestic working hours and the transformation of social ties. This young sociologist has developed a quantitative method that takes into account the chronological dimension of everyday activities, previously understood only in terms of [...]
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