Globalising European Urban Bourgeoisies?

25 août 2010

Alberta Andreotti, Patrick Le Galès, Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes (2010). “Globalising European Urban Bourgeoisies? Rooted middle classes and partial exit in Paris, Lyon, Madrid and Milan”, Working papers du Programme Villes & territoires, 2010, Paris, Sciences Po

European societies were and have remained mainly national societies, characterised among other
things by strong territorialisation and the existence of networks of middle sized cities. How are European
societies and cities evolving at a time of increasing globalisation?
Urban bourgeoisies are a long standing feature of European cities and societies. Their behaviour
has traditionally had a strong impact on the urban fabric (think for example on gentrification or secession
processes). As opportunities for mobility have become more widely available, the potential distortion of
national hierarchies and the emergence of new cleavages and social differentiation processes have
growingly attracted the attention of social scientists. Download the paper

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