[Conference] ESA RN37 (Urban Sociology) Residential segregation and the study of social structure of towns and metropolises. Empirical and methodological advances in Urban Sociology. 27-29/01/2021, Online

18 décembre 2020

European Sociological Association

Research Network 37 (Urban Sociology)


IV Midterm Conference. Urban Theory and Urban Praxis: Past, Present and Possible Futures

Bologna, 27th-29th of January 2021 (Online conference)


Residential segregation and the study of social structure of towns and metropolises.

Empirical and methodological advances in Urban Sociology



Tommaso Vitale (Sciences Po, CEE)

Jonathan Pratschke (University of Naples Federico II”)

Niccolò Morelli (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan,

Matteo Piolatto (Università di Brescia)


THURSDAY 01.28.2021 14:00 – 15:45. Session A. 

Residential segregation and the study of social structure of towns and metropolises. Empirical and methodological advances in urban sociology.


Dani Broitman (Technion – Israel Technological Institute)

Dynamics of neighborhood segregation and land values in urban areas


Alexandre Diniz (Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais)

Jupira Gomes de Mendonça (Federal University of Minas Gerais)

Luciana Andrade (Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais)

Segregation and socio-spatial structure in Brazilian metropolitan regions


Jules Bodet (University Paris 8)

How representations about urban spatial segregation and school segregation mutually reinforce each other


Maria Grazia Montesano (University of Bologna)

Luca Daconto (University of Milan Bicocca)

Peripheral diffusion and concentrations: the residential dynamics of foreign population in Bologna and Milan



FRIDAY 01.29.2021 9.00-10.45 Session B. 

Residential segregation and the study of social structure of towns and metropolises. Empirical and methodological advances in urban sociology.


Albert Sabater (University of Girona)

Generational divides in housing opportunities and increasing residential age segregation: Evidence from the UK


Sebastian Kohl (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies)

Measuring urban segregation through housing markets


Monstserrat Simò-Solsona (University of Barcelona)

Gemma Vilà Busqued (University of Barcelona)

It never rains but it pours. Re-emerging social inequalities in city centres: the case of Barcelona


Tomoko Kubo (University of Tsukuba)

Disparities in living conditions between city centers and shrinking suburbs: A case study of super-aging and post-growth Japan
