[Publication] Matteo Del Fabbro, « La questione metropolitana nel lascito di Guido Martinotti [The metropolitan question in Guido Martinotti’s legacy] », Amministrare 1/2018.

27 novembre 2018

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution d’un article de Matteo Del Fabbro (chercheur associé au CEE), intitulé « La questione metropolitana nel lascito di Guido Martinotti (The metropolitan question in Guido Martinotti’s legacy) », dans le numéro 1/2018 de la revue Amministrare, publiée par Il Mulino.

L’article aborde une hypothèse théorique sur la question métropolitaine dans le cas italien à partir des travaux du sociologue Guido Martinotti, disparu en 2012.


The article analyses the relationship between the sociological research on the metropolis developed by Guido Martinotti (1938-2012) and the institutional history of metropolitan areas in Italy, from the second half of the 1980s to the present day. It shows how Martinotti conceived of the metropolitan scale as a relevant dimension for the study of contemporary urban societies. I argue that the poor reception of Martinotti’s work in the scientific discourse depends on the underlying contradiction of his sociological research questions with the metropolitan institutional context, and on the lack of a shared epistemological basis in the field of urban studies.

L’article est disponible ici.
