Posts Tagged ‘ Council presidency ’

What is Europe up to?

15 mars 2011
What is Europe up to?

What is Europe up to? What is Europe up to? In what areas is it taking action? Is it meeting the expectations of its citizens? These are all legitimate questions in the run-up to the European elections, questions that, all…

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Conference papers

15 mars 2011

Costa, O. « The parliamentarization process of EU: an appraisal », Conference, Université de Sofia Saint Kliment Ohridski, Bulgarie, 14 Mai 2008 Costa, O. « Les dynamiques de l’Union européenne à 27 », Conference, Nouvelle Université Bulgare, Sofia, Bulgarie, 13 Mai 2008 Costa, O.…

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Working Papers

15 mars 2011

Dehousse, R. (2008) « The Community Method : Chronicle of a Death too Early Foretold », in Boussaguet, L., Dehousse, R. (eds.), The transformation of EU Policies – EU Governance at Work, Connex Report Series 8, Mannheim Download the paper Fernandez, A. (2008)…

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