23. 11. 2014

Quiz on sustainability – Going green

It’s quiz time! Today you can test your knowledge on sustainability a little bit. Level 1 of our #greenquiz is about Going Green. If you get it right, you unlock the next level....

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17. 11. 2014
Fée nature: Organic restaurant in Paris

Bio-cafés, restaurants and shops in Paris

Paris and organic? Discover it! Paris is more than just boulangeries, Frenchie cafés around the corner and extremely expensive touristic restaurants. The city is full of eco-friendly, organic, vegetarian cafés, wine bars and shops.

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05. 11. 2014
No Impact Man

The Mission: A Year Without Any Environmental Impact In NYC

NO IMPACT MAN: A Year without harming enviroment Guest author Olivia Lipski tell us about an incredible project. The Mission? To have no net impact on the environment for an entire year. The Goal: To...

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14. 10. 2014

#Studentseries: French students talking about climate change

Copposium talked to French students about climate change and their environmental engagement   This week, we don’t provide you with a business spotlight (don’t worry – next time you’ll get one again). Instead...

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01. 10. 2014
Take action now

Personal guide: how to take action on climate change

Taking action on climate change is crucial But having an effect on climate change is also your responsibility. We’ll show you how you can start contributing your part right now! You can also...

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01. 10. 2014
marching for a better future: climate march

Everyone, Everywhere: marching against climate change

Marching for a better Future  Three decades from now the world is likely be a very different place. How it will look like depends on actions we take today.

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