Climate Change Infographics


This page gives you an overview of graphs used by leading journals to explain the effects of climate change. The situation is more urgent than you might have thought. So, please take the time to inform yourself! 

Countries suffering the most

Among the ten countries that suffered most in total between 1992 and 2011, there’s not a single industrialized nation. On the contrary, it’s poor countries like Honduras, Myanmar, Nicaragua and Bangladesh that have been at the eye of the climate storm.

Infographic illustrating global warming

Fig 1: Countries affected by climate change


Greenhouse gas emissions in Kyoto Protocol countries and their targets

With an estimated average emission reduction of 20.5% over 2008-2012 period, excluding United States and Canada, industrialized nations are certain to achieve their targets quite comfortably.

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions

Fig. 2: List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions

For global CO2 emissions, 2012 was a remarkable year in which emissions increased by only 1.1%, which is less than half of the average annual increase of 2.9% seen over the last decade, reaching a new record of 34.5 billions tonnes.

Regional CO2 emission

Fig. 3: Global CO2 emissions per region


In India, South Africa, Australia, Indonesia and China where power generation is heavily coal based, electric car emissions can actually end up being similar to traditional petrol and diesel vehicles. In fact, an electric car in India generates as much carbon as a 20 miles per gallon petrol vehicle in the United States.

Carbon Emission of grid-powered Electric Vehicles by Country (g CO2e/Km)
Fig. 5: Carbon Emission of grid-powered Electric Vehicles by Country (g CO2e/Km)


Agricultural loss due to climate change

Below, you find a map of overall vulnerability of nations to agricultural productivity loss, indicating that key focal areas are located in Africa and South Asia.

Agricultural productivity loss overall vulnerability: physical impacts adjusted for coping ability

Fig 4.: Agricultural productivity loss overall vulnerability


 Deforestation Index

Surprisingly, China and the U.S.—the world’s first and second largest producers of carbon emissions, respectively—ranked in the bottom five (low risk) on the Deforestation Index. In both countries, heavy investments in reforestation projects have aided the return of forest cover since the 1990s.

Deforestation Index 2012

Deforestation Index 2012


Animal extinction

The graph below shows the numbers of threatened and endangered animal species in Africa. The group of bars on the far left shows totals for all of Africa’s different categories of animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, etc.), and the other four sets of bars are broken down by region within Africa.

 Threatened and endangered animal species in Africa

Threatened and endangered animal species in Africa


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