5 elderly people that break the stereotypes

Elderly people are not what you think

It’s 7 o’clock, you’re still in your bed, without any will to get up and go to the bathroom take a shower and get dressed before going to school or to work.

You’re trying to avoid the unavoidable by surfing on the internet, looking at instagram pictures and suddenly you find a surprising picture of.. an old hipster published by OIC_project!

And you think “God, that’s not how I imagined elderly people!” or “This old man is quite sexy in his way!”

YES, we are going to show you 5 kinds of elderly people who ROCK!

1. The old hipsters

Old hipsters

Old hipsters


2. The Golden Athletes

Here are some photographs of the artist Dean Bradshaw, who captured hilarious scenes of of elderly men and women in sports. His work is amazing!

The Golden Athletes

The Golden Athletes


3. The Tattooed Grandparents

tattooed grandparents

Tattooed Grandparents


4. The Gangsta Grandmas

Gangsta Grandmas

Gangsta Grandmas


5. The Bearded Classy Men

Bearded Classy Men

Bearded Classy Men

And you? Have you ever spotted such cool old people? Send us photos, will share them on the Old is Cool Instagram!

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