10 signs people think you’re old

You know people think you’re old when…

We deeply think that being old or not is just a state of mind. It’s in your head. You might look old but you’re not as long as you don’t feel old. Unfortunately, sometimes people remember you how they see you when…

1. …they let you sit in the subway

I can stand, thank you

I can stand, thank you


2. …they don’t ask for your ID when you require the senior rate

Did I really look that old?

Did I really look that old?


3. …they ask you if you know who Jay-Z is

Jay Z and you're grandma!

Jay Z and you’re grandma!


4. …they stop putting candle on your birthday cake

You’re passed the age, and anyway, it will cost too much and you’re not able to blow them anymore

You're grandma birthday!

You’re grandma birthday!



5. …they ask you how you handle living without Internet and cellphones

Gene Kelly old phone

Old phone…


6. …you have to explain them how to hit on in the “real world”

Hey You!

Hey You!


7. …they don’t beg you to dance during weddings anymore

Your grandma dancing!

Your grandma dancing!


8. …they give you a panicked look when they pronounce the word « Internet » because they think they’re already reaching your intellectual limits




9. …they send you letters rather than emails

letters, letters everywhere

letters, letters everywhere


10. …the first question they ask you is about your health condition

I'm FINE, thank you!!!

I’m FINE, thank you!!!


And remember, whatever happens… Old is cool !!


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Léa Saillet

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