From fragmentation to convergence

From fragmentation to convergence

PILAGG invites you to the workshop From Fragmentation to Convergence – 31 Jan / 1 Feb 2013 After two decades of fragmentation discourse, international courts and other bodies …


PILAGG – Workshop Series Spring 2013

PILAGG – Workshop Series Spring 2013

PILAGG Workshop Series – Spring Semester 2012/2013 PILAGG announces its new Workshop series for the Spring Semester 2012/2013 which will start in February at the Law …


PILAGG Year 2 – New Workshop Series

PILAGG Year 2 – New Workshop Series

    PILAGG Workshop Series – Fall Semester 2012/2013 PILAGG announces its new Workshop series for the Fall Semester 2012/2013 which will start in early October at the …


PILAGG Launching Paper published on Transnational Legal Theory

PILAGG Launching Paper published on Transnational Legal Theory

Horatia MUIR WATT’s article “Private International Law Beyond the Schism”, already published on (2011) 2(3) Transnational Legal Theory 347–427 Despite the contemporary turn to law within the …


PILAGGING in Harvard Law School (IGLP)

PILAGGING in Harvard Law School (IGLP)

PILAGG has presented a stream within the framework of the IGLP Workshop 2012/ The subject developed by Horatia Muir Watt and Diego P. Fernández Arroyo was: The …


PILAGG Final Meeting – Compte rendu, photos, David Kennedy’s paper

PILAGG Final Meeting – Compte rendu, photos, David Kennedy’s paper

Le vendredi 11 mai PILAGG a célébré sa réunion finale du cours 2011/2012. Soixante-dix personnes ont participé des activités de toute la journée. Pendant le …


La gouvernance globale a-t-elle besoin d’une jurisprudence arbitrale ?

La gouvernance globale a-t-elle besoin d’une jurisprudence arbitrale ?

Le prochain séminaire de PILAGG, ensemble avec l’Ecole doctorale de Sciences Po, se tiendra autour du thème : ” La gouvernance globale a-t-elle besoin d’une jurisprudence …


External Programme of The Hague Academy at Buenos Aires

External Programme of The Hague Academy at Buenos Aires

Several of PILAGG’s main subjects will be present at the External Programme of The Hague Academy of International Law which will be held at Buenos …


ICJ on Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy)

ICJ on Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy)

We invite you to read the remarkable Judge Cançado Trindade‘s dissenting opinion in the case Germany v Italy on Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (ICJ-Germany …


Benoit Frydman – “Comment penser le droit global ?”

Benoit Frydman – “Comment penser le droit global ?”

L’École doctorale de Sciences Po et PILAGG reçoivent Benoit Frydman le 9  février de 12h30 à 14h30 pour discuter avec nous sur le droit global. …