[Publication] Irène Mboumoua, European Planning Studies, « Revisiting the growth coalition concept to analyse the success of the Crossrail London megaproject »

9 janvier 2017

Bonjour à tous,

Nous vous signalons la publication par Irène Mboumoua (Sciences Po)  de l’article « Revisiting the growth coalition concept to analyse the success of the Crossrail London megaproject » pour la revue European Planning Studies.


There is a common perception that infrastructure megaprojects are difficult to implement, as they face many obstacles (cost overruns, political barriers and time delays). This was particularly the case in the UK where many projects were difficult to develop given a complex, centralized and turbulent financial context (e.g. the jubilee Line extension, the Eurostar project). Despite this complex British system, London is developing the Crossrail mega infrastructure project which is recognized to be on time and built within a planned budget. The paper aims to analyse the reasons for the development of this project in a turbulent political and financial British system. The main argument I defend is that Crossrail benefited from the constitution of a specific and localized growth coalition. Revisiting the notion developed by Logan and Molotch, I show how the aggregation of different interests (political and economic) has been essential in the concretization of this project. Actors motivated by the will to promote the growth of London and to sustain the growth of population and jobs have been at the forefront to defend Crossrail. These elements have put Crossrail on a route of success. The paper concludes by characterizing and analysing such a success.

Vous trouverez plus d’informations ici.
