[Séminaires doctoraux Sciences Po / Columbia University] The Matter of Cities : Excavating the « Material » in Urban Social and Technical Controversies

9 janvier 2017

Bonjour à tous,

Columbia University (Robert Beauregard) et Sciences Po (Marco Cremaschi) co-organisent en 2017-2018 un cycle de séminaires doctoraux centrés sur la problématique « The Matter of Cities : Excavating the « Material » in Urban Social and Technical Controversies ».


How do scholars and policymakers understand the production of goods and services, the movement of people and commodities from one place to another, governance arrangements, the establishment and defense of neighborhoods, the reception of immigrants, the disruption or accommodation of ecological systems? What sense do they make of the functioning of cities? In order to answer such questions, scholars need perspectives on the city that allow them to explain and interpret social and technical controversies, for it is in such moments that what can be done – and must be avoided – become most obvious. The issue here is the development of urban policy and planning initiatives that are more congruent with how cities actually work. To address this, the proposed doctoral workshops will focus on a robust and cross-disciplinary perspective that treats the city as a collaboration of humans and their associations, built forms, nature, and technologies. These theoretical ideas will be considered in terms of controversies currently underway in two cities: Paris and New York.

Project Principal Investigators

Robert Beauregard, Professor

Program in Urban Planning

Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation

Avery Hall

Columbia University

New York, NY  10021


001 212-854-6280

Marco Cremaschi, Professor

Cycle d’Urbanisme, Urban School


27 rue Saint Guillaume

75337 Paris Cedex 07



0033 (0) 168-71-5152


Vous trouverez plus d’informations ici.
