Top 5 destinations for hipster travellers – the Asia edition

On 29/10/2014 by aanglano


Here’s a first article of a series on the Hipster travellers. We’ll start with the great continent of Asia (my personal favorite). A moustache icon will indicate the level of ‘hipsterdom’ of the destination. 

1. Pune, India 

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Pune, located only few hours away from Bollywood capital Mumbai, offers that little extra: the city retains much of its Indian-ness while being calmer and – more importantly – is the centre of one of the biggest meditation centres in India: Osho Meditation resort.

Named after its founder and guru, Osho, the luscious centre offers “Creative living program”, “Meditation Tool kits” and much more. Everyone has to wear a tunic and walk bare feet in the luscious gardens of the resort.

Our hipster friend will be happy to comeback with incredible stories on his spiritual journey and discovery of the Indian culture, glossing over the fact of the price tag this journey has on.


HOW TO AVOID DAT HIPSTER BACKPACKER? Skip the retreat and pay a day visit to Pune before heading to mainstream (but crazy fun) Mumbai or beach heaven Goa

CAN NON HIPSTERS GO THERE TOO?: Yes indeed, Pune is beautiful and if you have time it’s a pleasant detour within the Maharashtra region.

2. Beijing, China 

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We now move onto India’s big neighbour, China. Increasingly more exposed to tourism and foreign invasion, China offers a lot for its visitors.

Don’t need to go too far though, to find the perfect nest for Hipster FOBs, ready to mingle with their new Chinese friends: behind Beijing’s staggering skyscrapers and grey buildings there are infinite alleys and hutongs (old neighborhoods) that offer a perfect background to fixed bikes escapades and Instagram filters.

Unlike its bling-bling sisters, Shanghai and Hong Kong, the Jing can still offer a glimpse into a less urban China. In addition to that, being the main center for academic life and the favorite choice of Mandarin language students, there’s a burgeoning music scene, with alternative experimental bands sweating their beards in unison.


HOW TO AVOID DAT HIPSTER BACKPACKER? Fear not, he will avoid you. Hipsters in Beijing are notoriously known for picking up a Chinese name and carefully avoid any other foreign fellas. Travellers will soon catch up.

CAN NON HIPSTERS GO THERE TOO? Absolutely. Beijing offers a great variety of things to see, having been the political and cultural center of the Country for a long time. Don’t skip the main attractions – Tian’anmen, Temple of Heaven, Great Wall etc. – and go to Sanlitun for a drink in one of the many many bars. And do visit the hutongs, they’re actually really beautiful. Just don’t go too heavy on the Instagram filters and simply enjoy the beauty.

3. Phnom Penh, Cambodia 


Going more South, fellas: South East Asia, the favorite concubine of all backpackers. Lonely Planet has even come out with one guide that puts all the countries together, just in case you were too lazy (or too broke) to pick out one per country.

Cambodia is more known for its main attraction, Angkor Wat. A beautiful ensemble of temples, slowly getting devoured by the jungle, it is one-of-a-kind, breathtaking especially during sunset or sunrise, when the light and shadows give extra dimension to each one of the temples.

However, as our Hipster backpacker will soon discover, the place is flooded with tourist, ruining that sense of discovery he was longing for when he hopped on a bus to Siem Riep.

The alternative then? Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. Often skipped during the South East Asia backpacking tour de force, the capital is virtually voided by tourists. Undoubtedly less charming than other cities in the region, Phnom Penh has a quirky charm and our Hipster Backpacker will enjoy wandering around the city with its TOMS shoes on, exploring a darker side of Cambodian history (the Genocide Museum is located in Phnom Penh and offers an exhaustive reconstruction of the horrors that happened during Pol Pot’s bloody regime).

Add to that a rise of affordable boutique hotels and an interesting nightlife, our Hipster backpacker will be safely sheltered from the young brats getting drunk in the North.


HOW TO AVOID DAT HIPSTER BACKPACKER? Stick to Angkor Wat and if in Phnom Penh, go to hostels

CAN NON HIPSTERS GO THERE TOO? If there’s time, why not. You won’t miss the world if you ran out of time and skip it, but Phnom Penh has interesting things to visit and a beauty of its own.

4. Bagan, Myanmar (formerly Burma) 


Burma, Myanmar… Many people don’t know how to call it, a few don’t even know where it is. And that’s a big plus for our hipster friend, bien sûr.

And for once he’s right. Myanmar has opened up to tourists only recently and it is still not as crowded as its neighbouring countries. On top of beautiful beaches and unspoilt temples Myanmar offers an incredibly warm bienvenue to foreign visitors.

Bagan specifically is an amazing attraction, home to the largest and densest concentration of Buddhist temples in the world. Somewhat close to Angkor Wat, it offers though breathtaking scenery without the massive crowds that flood in Cambodia on a daily basis. Bike rentals are offered, not sure if fixies are available, but for the trip it’ll do.


HOW TO AVOID DAT HIPSTER BACKPACKER? Go walking in Bagan and beat him by visiting near by beaches which are still very much unknown by tourists

CAN NON HIPSTERS GO THERE TOO? Yes, yes, yes. Myanmar is a beautiful country and definitely is worth a visit

5. PyongYang, North Korea  

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When we talk about ‘exclusive’ trips, a trip to North Korea is hard to beat. The Hermit Kingdom was for the longest time completely secluded to foreigners (except for some communist fellas who were invited to pay a visit to Kim Jong-Il) but now, thanks to several travel agencies, a weekend gateway to Pyongyang isn’t anymore a dream.

Our hipster friend won’t perhaps appreciate the lack of liberties – it is after all still a country under a severe dictatorship. So no phones, and photos only when permitted!

But given a few rules here and there, selected tour guides will show in 4-5 days North Korea’s best monuments, including PyongYang’s metro, a state-of-the-art bowling alley and Kim Il Sung Mausoleum, of course. Few lucky ones will perhaps be able to watch the famous Arirang Mass games together with North Korea’s finest elite: a festival of synchronised acrobatics and dances to honor the Supreme Leader.

HIPSTERDOM LEVEL: 5/5. It is the ultimate ‘weird’ destination

HOW TO AVOID DAT HIPSTER BACKPACKER? Go with a Chinese tour agency, the crowd will gear more towards communist nostalgic rather than geeks/hipsters which you’ll find in international tours

CAN NON HIPSTERS GO THERE TOO? Tough question. It is a once in a lifetime kind of destination, but it comes with a price. Up to you to seize the opportunity.





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