Appel à candidature

Call for Application : UPFellows Program

The UPFellows program promoted by Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona, Spain) with the support of the Marie Curie COFUND program (7th Framework Program) aimed at co-financing 24 international fellowships.

It exclusively addresses international researchers and aims to offer career development opportunities to junior postdoctoral candidates of any nationality.

 See the program description

Deadline for applications : 1rst July 2013



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17 mai 2013 par Marie FERRAZZINI
Appel à candidature

Sociétés innovantes : appel à projet ANR

L’Agence nationale de la recherche ouvre un appel à projets sur : Sociétés innovantes – Innovation, économie, modes de vie

 Ce programme entend favoriser le plus largement possible la coopération et la confrontation des approches des disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales et des problématiques soulevées par les autres disciplines scientifiques ainsi que par le développement technologique.
Il ambitionne notamment de renforcer les partenariats de recherche entre entreprises et équipes de sciences sociales et humaines.
Il est ouvert à toutes les […]

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24 avril 2013 par Marie FERRAZZINI

Sixth ISA Worlwide Competition for Junior Sociologists : Call for Papers

The International Sociological Association (ISA) announces the organization of the Sixth ISA Worldwide Competition for Junior Sociologists.

The winners will be invited to participate in the XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology which will take place in Yokohama, Japan in July 2014.

Deadline for the submission of papersMay 1, 2013.

The details of the competition are posted on the ISA website   

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5 avril 2013 par Marie FERRAZZINI
Appel à candidature

ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research

The Inter university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is pleased to announce the 2013 Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research.

 Founded in 1963, the ICPSR Summer Program is recognized throughout the world as the preeminent forum for basic and advanced training in the methodologies and technologies of social science research. We serve a diverse multidisciplinary and international constituency. Our general instructional philosophy emphasizes the integration of methodological strategies with the theoretical and practical concerns that […]

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11 mars 2013 par Marie FERRAZZINI
Appel à candidature

La comparaison, pour quoi faire ? Stratégies et pratiques de recherche en sciences sociales

Ecole Thématique Internationale du CNRS, du lundi 10 au vendredi 14 juin 2013, Biarritz :

 La comparaison pour quoi faire ? Stratégies et pratiques de recherche en science sociales

Ce dispositif de formation continue est organisé en résidence, pendant 5 jours.
Il réunira, à Biarritz, des participants intéressés par les enjeux de la comparaison en sciences sociales. Il ne concerne pas seulement les jeunes chercheurs (doctorants et postdoctorants), mais aussi les collègues plus expérimentés engagés dans des […]

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11 mars 2013 par Marie FERRAZZINI
Appel à candidature

OXPO Visitors Schemes

Oxford Sciences Po Research Schemes OXPO seeks to facilitate scholarly exchanges between the Departments of Politics and International Relations and of Sociology in Oxford and Sciences Po in Paris.

Two visiting schemes have been set up : visiting Sciences Po, visiting Oxford

Read more details about  Academic Visitor scheme for doctoral students/post-doctoral fellows from Sciences Po

The deadline for applications to visit Oxford in the academic year 2013-14 is Monday 25 March 2013.

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31 janvier 2013 par Marie FERRAZZINI
Appel à candidature

Submissions for the ECSR prize « Dissertation of the year »

The thesis must have been examined and been deemed to have passed between 1st Januray 2012 and 31st December 2012.

The prize will be awarded to the best theoritically based empirical study in sociology

Submissions for the Prize should be made in PDF format by 1st February 2013



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11 janvier 2013 par Marie FERRAZZINI
Appel à candidature

Call for Applications : Joint Spring School

ECSR, Collegio Carlo Alberto and Milan-Turin Joint Spring School on the Analysis of Educational Inequalities

March 18th -22nd, 2013

This Spring School provides high-quality training on leading-hedge theories and techniques in the analysis of educational opportunitites. A limited number of doctoral students and young researchers will participate.

Applications have to be sent by email : by January 25th, 2013

For more information, please contact Prof. Gabriele Ballarino


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21 décembre 2012 par Marie FERRAZZINI
Appel à candidature

Bourses Fernand Braudel-IFER

La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme offre des bourses de recherche postdoctorale en sciences humaines et sociales d’une durée de 9 mois dans le cadre de son programme « Fernand Braudel-IFER » (International Fellowships for Experienced Researchers). Il est soutenu par l’Union européenne (Programme Action Marie Curie – COFUND – 7ème PCRD).

Le programme Fernand Braudel-IFER se décline en deux volets :

1. Programme Fernand Braudel-IFER incoming destinés des séjours en France (pour chercheurs appartenant à un centre de […]

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18 septembre 2012 par Cécile DUFLOT
Appel à candidature

Alliance Program – Call for Doctoral Mobility 2013-2014

Created in 2002, the Alliance Program is a unique joint-venture between Columbia University, the Ecole Polytechnique (Mathematics and Science), Sciences Po (Social Sciences) and the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Law and Humanities).

The Alliance Program offers various mobility opportunities for students and faculty within the Alliance network :


Open to students enrolled in a PhD program at Columbia University, the Ecole Polytechnique, Sciences Po and the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Applications will be […]

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15 juin 2012 par Cécile DUFLOT