
Elites, Privilege and Excellence

Vient de paraître dans la collection World Yearbook of Education

Elites, Privilege and Excellence: The National and Global Redifinition of Educational Advantage, edited by Agnès van Zanten, Stephen J. Ball, Brigitte Darchy-Koechlin, Routledge, 2015

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Publications de l’OSC

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16 mars 2015 par Marie FERRAZZINI

Elite education and the State in France: durable ties and new challenges

Just published

Agnès van Zanten, Claire Maxwell : « Elite education and the State in France: durable ties and new challenges » British Journal of Sociology of Education, vol. 36:n°1, 2015, p. 71-94


Employing a Weberian understanding of the centrality of a strong bureaucracy in the modern nation-state, this article examines the relationship between the state and elite education in France. Through a historical analysis and an examination of two current issues facing education – widening participation and pressures to internationalise – […]

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29 décembre 2014 par Marie FERRAZZINI

Who They Were There: Immigrants’ Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment

Just published

Mathieu Ichou :  « Who They Were There: Immigrants’ Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment » European Sociological  Review (2014) 30 (6): 750-765


This article examines the educational selectivity of immigrants in France—i.e. how their level of education contrasts with that of non-migrants in their country of birth–and the influence of this selectivity on the educational attainment of their children. I combine the Barro-Lee data set (2010) with the French TeO survey (2008–2009) to construct a […]

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4 décembre 2014 par Marie FERRAZZINI

Keeping the European Faith: Collective Identity before and after the Euro-Crisis

Just Published Online

Ettore Recchi, Justyna Salamońska (European University Institute) : « Keeping the European Faith: Collective Identity before and after the Euro-Crisis » PaCo Partecipazione E Conflitto (The Open Journal of Sociopolitical Studies), vol. 7, n° 3, special issue New Directions in Political Sociology, p. 510-531.

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Media discourses have conveyed the message that European identity has been severely un-dermined by the Euro-crisis. We test this contention with Eurobarometer data. Conceptually we distin-guish two dimensions of […]

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4 décembre 2014 par Marie FERRAZZINI

FURS Essay Competition

Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies 2015 Essay Competition: Prize for the Best Essay on Urban and Regional Themes by Young Authors

In collaboration with the International Journal of Urban Regional Research and Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, the Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies is organising a seventh international essay competition for the best essay on urban and regional themes by PhD students or scholars who have completed their PhD within a five year period.
 A prize of £1,000 will be awarded […]

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14 novembre 2014 par Marie FERRAZZINI

Les inégalités de genre dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche

Vient de paraître dans la collection Methodological Discussion Paper du LIEPP

Anne Revillard : Les inégalités de genre dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche. Discussion autour du LIEPP Policy Brief n°14. Methodological Discussion Paper n°4, 2014

Dans leur Policy Brief intitulé « Pourquoi les femmes occupent-elles moins de postes à responsabilité ? Une analyse des promotions universitaires en économie » reprenant les conclusions d’un working paper récemment publié dans le cadre du LIEPP (Bosquet, […]

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4 novembre 2014 par Marie FERRAZZINI

Policies to Support the Labor Market Integration of New Immigrants in France

Vient de paraitre

Mirna Safi, 2014. Shifting Focus: Policies to Support the labor market Integration of New Immigrants in France. Washington, DC: Migration Policy Institute and International Labour Office

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22 octobre 2014 par Marie FERRAZZINI

Peut-on faire l’économie du genre ?

Vient de paraître Regards croisés sur l’économie, n°15, 2014/2 sur le thème :

Peut-on faire l’économie du genre ?

Editorial du numéro


Marie Duru-Bellat : L’école, premier vecteur de la ségrégation professionnelle (p. 85-98)
Lire l’article sur Cairn (réservé aux abonnés)

Marta Dominguez-Folgueras : L’inégal partage des responsabilités familiales et domestiques est toujours d’actualité (p. 183-196)
Lire l’article sur Cairn (réservé aux abonnés)


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20 octobre 2014 par Marie FERRAZZINI

The Chance of Influence

Nouvelle publication

Olivier Godechot : The Chance of Influence: A Natural Experiment on the Role of Social Capital in Academic Hiring? MaxPo Discussion Paper 14/1, 2014

MaxPo Publications

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8 septembre 2014 par Marie FERRAZZINI

Immigrant’s Educational Selectivity and their Children ‘s Educational Attainment

Vient de paraître dans European Sociological Review online, 24 août 2014

Ichou, Mathieu : Who They Were There: Immigrant’s Educational Selectivity and Their Children’s Educational Attainment

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2 septembre 2014 par Marie FERRAZZINI