Word on the Street: Gabrielle’s Choice

Word on the Street Episode III: Gabrielle talking about her Sophie’s choice!

This time, “Word on the Street” offered you a sit-down talk with one distinguished guest, one of the most popular lecturers in SciecesPo Paris, Gabrielle Longmate. She is lecturer of “Networking the net: How social media, blogs and the Web 2.0 engage an active audience?” at Sciences Po Paris, and she is a well-known blogger and creative writer as well.

Let’s watch her talking about TV that she knows.

HBO vs Cable Bundling: What does this mean for the future of cable television?

Read ahead to find out what we think about HBO’s new stand-alone service and learn why you should care. And don’t forget to test your HBO savviness below… you might just be surprised!


You may have heard, you may have not – but for all those cable television subscribers out there who are simply sick and tired of having to pay for hundreds of channels that you never watch – the time has come!

Attention my fellow cord-cutters and cord-nevers, I have some news.

HBO CEO Richard Plepler recently announced that the company will be launching its very own “stand-alone, over-the-top HBO service in the United States” next year!

Next year guys. 2015.

What does this mean for us? Basically that you’ll be able to buy HBO without having to pay for a cable subscription – so go ahead and say it: SAYONARA Dish Network, Comcast, DirecTV!


Or wait a second… maybe cable companies shouldn’t start digging their own graves quite yet.  Continue reading

Online TV providers: serving ads, serving food


Ah, that terrible, terrible word. Who hasn’t researched a million ways online to try to avoid those little interruptions during their season catch-up binge-watch?

The fact is, online video ads are here to stay. Not only are people apparently more receptive to them, but they also have a higher impact on viewers. This makes them great for marketing folks at your lovely local conglomerate. In fact, online video ad revenue spend is growing faster and faster, having overtaken broadcast TV in April this year (and cable TV before that).

Honestly, though, most of us wouldn’t mind a few strategically placed, well-targeted, or entertaining ads. After all, we understand that the episode that we’re streaming free has to be paid by someone, somewhere, and ads are a relatively harmless form of currency.

Still, that doesn’t excuse advertisers for just slapping them on every available surface — or even, at times, creating artificial breaks in episodes just to serve ads. Continue reading

Word on the Street: Shows to keep an eye on – Emilie

Word on the Street is BACK!

TOPIC OF THE WEEK: SHOWS to keep an eye on!

This time we are happy to have Emilie Stanton, student at Sciences Po Paris, talk to us about her favorite TV shows that are returning for yet another season, and a few new series that we’ve been hearing a lot about!

Which of the following TV shows that Emilie talked about you would like to watch?

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Where to find the TV shows you like? How to watch them the easiest way? Also read this: ….


Autumn Guide

Fall, otherwise known as the season when leaves slowly change into magical shades of reds, oranges and browns… while we stroll peacefully outside, our pumpkin spice lattes keeping us warm…

Wait! It also happens to be the season of every television premiere you’ve been waiting for since spring ended.

That’s right – you heard me. You can forget about that stroll outside for the next few days, or maybe weeks… it’s TV time!


“Mommy, where is everybody…?”

“Honey, didn’t you hear, Scandal’s BACK!”

Continue reading

A Glimpse at TV’s Earlier Years

Television. Otherwise known as that colorful, animated world that we are separated from by merely a thin screen.

A world of endless stories and boundless emotions.


For decades this mysterious rectangular shaped object has let us live vicariously. It has naturally become a staple in our daily lives—an escape from reality, a way to connect with someone else. A source of news and entertainment. Television has become this object, this experience, this thing that many of us can no longer live without.

How did we get here? How did television find such a meaningful place in our minds, bodies and souls?

The story of television’s rise is a worthy tale to tell—it is a story at the heart of the digital revolution. Understanding television’s evolution is not only evidence of technology’s mark on modern society, but it grants us a glimpse at what the future of our digital society may hold.

After all, they say that both television and Internet were the causes of print journalism’s remarkable decline. They say, now, that the newspaper is near its death. This makes us wonder—will Internet itself trigger the death of television? With the Internet’s force growing at every second, there is already evidence that makes us question television’s future. The TV industry that exists today may be at serious risk.

We are here to speculate on the changes that the industry will be facing—particularly in light of the Internet and the many emerging means of obtaining television. On Demand, Netflix, Hulu, DVR—the choice is yours.

How do we define television in the modern context then? We must first begin by looking at the American television industry and understanding how it began. Continue reading

A simple guide to finding your TV show online


You’re sitting on your couch with laptop ready, candy on the side, gearing yourself up for some marathon TV watching. Today, you decide, is the day. You’re finally going to watch all of Season 1 of that hilarious new comedy that all your friends have been raving about.

You open your internet browser, and pause. Wait, what now? You know that most shows are available online completely legally, but you’re not really sure of how to make your way around the proliferation of services.

Well, then, this guide is for you.

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