Introduction to the new ways of watching TV

House of Cards, Orange is the new black, Game of Thrones… All these big titles we bet you all know and probably each one of you has already watched. Nowadays, we are lucky to have more and more well-produced (costly perhaps) and fascinating TV series for our daily entertainment. Taking Game of Thrones as example, the average cost of making one episode is $6 million, whereas this year’s (and last year’s) Emmy winner Breaking Bad episodes cost around half of that figure. As we are enjoying these cinema-quality hours of TV shows via TVs, tablets or even smartphones, there’s always a question about how we could do in order to make our watching experience easier and more enjoyable?

Everyone understands that we are now living in the so-called multi-screen age.People find it harder and harder to get undivided attention and stay focused on one screen at a time. You want to watch House of Cards on TV while chatting with your mates on Twitter using your phone? No problem! Because it is the time for connected TV to redefine the home entertainment and rebuild your living room (or dorm room). Continue reading