How does net neutrality affect online streaming?

Net neutrality: by now, you’ve probably heard the phrase many times. Two months ago, popular websites such as Reddit, Kickstarter, Tumblr and Etsy took part in a “Day of Action”, where they showcased the debate prominently on their sites. The aim was to drive visitors to contact the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Congress and the White House.

But what exactly is net neutrality? How does it affect you, the consumer? Don’t be afraid of the abstract-sounding term: it’s actually rather easy to understand! Check out the following one-minute video from Mashable, or take a look at the beautiful infographic after the cut.

Infographic: The issue of net neutrality

Net neutrality infographic, by graphic designer Sarah Lawrence.

What do you think? Is net neutrality something we should aim for? Comment to add your thoughts to the conversation!

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