
The Knowledge and Policy Summer School : Brussels 21-23 September 2011

La Conférence finale du projet européen Know&Pol se tient à Bruxelles, du 21 au 23 septembre 2011

Thèmes des diférentes sessions :

What is knowledge?

Forms of knowledge: embodied, encoded, enacted?

Researching the powerful, interviewing the elite

Does experience-based knowledge matter?

Knowledge and knowledge regimes

Knowledge, policy and the problem of comparison

Trends and changes in the knowledge – policy relationship

Knowledge based regulation tools

Public action, or the analysis of complexity

Voir le programme complet

Comité d’organisation :

Bernard Delvaux, Eric Mangez, Université catholique de Louvain

Frederic Schoenaers, Université de Liège

Comité scientifique :

Iván Bajomi, Eötvos Lórand University, Hungary

João Barroso, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Bernard Delvaux, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Gábor Eross, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Richard Freeman, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Adel Kiss, University of Transylvania – Sapientia, Romania

Eric Mangez, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Christian Maroy, Université de Montréal, Canada

Philippe Mossé, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France

Armin Nassehi, Ludwig-Maximilian Universität, Germany

Jenny Ozga, University of Oxford, UK

Helge Ramsdal, Østfold University College, Norway

Frederic Schoenaers, Université de Liège, Belgium

Agnès van Zanten, SciencesPo, CNRS, France , responsable du volet Education du projet Know and Pol Project n°0288848-2 funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Program


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