
Riva Kastoryano ed. « Turkey between Nationalism and Globalization »

Turkey between Nationalism and Globalization Edited by Riva Kastoryano Routledge January 2013 Turkish society has been going through institutional and ideological change that has affected its social, cultural and political practices. This book examines these contemporary tensions, which have led to a re-appraisal of Turkey as a nation and Turkish nationalism as it tries to situate itself as a regional and global power. Analysing the internal and external dynamics of Turkey and the role played by nationalism, this book considers how the understanding of the nation and nationalism has changed [...]

Economic Patriotism in Open Economies

Economic Patriotism in Open Economies Edited by Ben Clift, Cornelia Woll November 2012,  Routledge The recent financial crisis has demonstrated that governments continuously seek to steer their economies rather than leaving them to free markets. Despite the ambitions of international economic cooperation, such interventionism is decidedly local. Some politicians even proudly evoke « economic patriotism » to justify their choices. This volume links such populism to a specific set of tensions – the paradox of neo-liberal democracy – and argues that the phenomenon is [...]

Alain Dieckhoff publie « La nation dans tous ses états »

La nation dans tous ses états Alain Dieckhoff Flammarion, septembre 2012 Cet ouvrage défend  l’idée que la nation demeure une figure centrale de la modernité. Après l’éclatement de l’Union soviétique et de la Yougoslavie dans les années 90, la décennie écoulée a largement confirmé cette hypothèse avec la montée des courants indépendantistes en Europe (Ecosse, Flandre..) et la persistance de revendications nationalistes dans le reste du monde  (Kurdistan, Tibet, Sud Soudan…). Vingt-cinq nouveaux Etats ont vu le jour au cours des vingt dernières années, signe [...]