Author: PILAGG

ANNULATION / CANCELLED Fourth PILAGG Seminar / November 13th – Neil Walker

ANNULATION / CANCELLED Fourth PILAGG Seminar / November 13th – Neil Walker

ANNULATION / CANCELLED Fourth PILAGG Seminar / November 13th – Neil Walker


Coming PILAGG Seminars

Coming PILAGG Seminars

CANCELLED FRIDAY 13th NOVEMBER 2015: Prof. Neil Walker (Edinburgh Law School) “Global Law and Global Justice: The Gap” (see previous post). Discussant: Prof. David Kinley   FRIDAY 4th DECEMBER …


CANCELLED Fourth PILAGG Seminar / November 13th – Global Law and Global Justice: The Gap, by Prof. Neil Walker (Edinburgh Law School)

CANCELLED Fourth PILAGG Seminar / November 13th – Global Law and Global Justice: The Gap, by Prof. Neil Walker (Edinburgh Law School)

CANCELLED ‘GLOBAL LAW AND GLOBAL JUSTICE: THE GAP’ Prof. Neil Walker’s aims is to develop some of the normative implications of the argument in his recent book – ‘Intimations …


Third PILAGG Seminar – 16th October – Global Law and Interdisciplinary Inquiry, Alexander Panayotov

Third PILAGG Seminar – 16th October – Global Law and Interdisciplinary Inquiry, Alexander Panayotov

JURISDICTIONAL POLITICS AND SOCIAL MECHANISMS: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY SYNTHESIS?  The interdisciplinary collaboration between law and social science has often been hailed as a promising avenue for studying …


9th October – Global Legal Pluralism and Private International Law (Prof. Paul Schiff Berman)

9th October – Global Legal Pluralism and Private International Law (Prof. Paul Schiff Berman)

  SECOND PILAGG SEMINAR of 2015/2016 : GLOBAL LEGAL PLURALISM AND PIL  Global Legal Pluralism is now recognized as an entrenched reality of the international and transnational …


First PILAGG meeting of 2015-2016 seasson!!! (UPDATE)

First PILAGG meeting of 2015-2016 seasson!!! (UPDATE)

The new seasson of PILAGG is going to be launched. We will discuss on Horatia Muir Watt’s framing paper.HMW-Framing paper PILAGG 2015-2016 Discussant: Loïc Azoulai (SPLS) What …


PILAGG FALL 2015 – La rentrée

PILAGG FALL 2015 – La rentrée

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * …


Brian Tamanaha will deliver the Inaugural Cotterell Lecture in Sociological Jurisprudence at Queen Mary

Brian Tamanaha will deliver the Inaugural Cotterell Lecture in Sociological Jurisprudence at Queen Mary

The Inaugural Cotterrell Lecture in Sociological Jurisprudence Professor Brian Tamanaha (Washington University Law School)  Thursday 28 May 2015, 6:30pm Lecture Theatre – ArtsOne Building – Queen Mary University …


7 May 2015: Law and authority without (State) pedigree

7 May 2015: Law and authority without (State) pedigree

PROBING LEGAL KNOWLEDGE IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: A DANGEROUS METHOD? (2015)  LAW AND AUTHORITY WITHOUT (STATE) PEDIGREE  Competing, diffuse, post-Westphalian forms of authority and correlative displacements of …


6 March 2015: Global Paradigm and Legal Method(s)

6 March 2015: Global Paradigm and Legal Method(s)

PILAGG 2015 – PROBING LEGAL KNOWLEDGE IN GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: A DANGEROUS METHOD? GLOBAL PARADIGM AND LEGAL METHOD(S) The emergence of a global legal paradigm upsets assumptions/fictions developed …