Author: PILAGG

PILAGG roundtable post briefing

PILAGG roundtable post briefing

    On Thursday, 22 June 2017, the long-expected Pilagg roundtable on the cross-border jurisprudence took place at the Sciences Po Law School alongside with the Intensive Doctoral …


PILAGG ROUNDTABLE: Discussing cross-border jurisprudence

PILAGG ROUNDTABLE: Discussing cross-border jurisprudence

Dear friends of Pilagg,   You are all warmly welcome to the long-awaited Pilagg roundtable will take place this Thursday, 22 June 2017. This event is related to the …


Watch “X Jornadas de ASADIP” and “DJCIL Symposium 2016″ on our blog!

Watch “X Jornadas de ASADIP” and “DJCIL Symposium 2016″ on our blog!

Did you know that you could watch the Opening Keynote Lecture by Katharina Boele-Woelki, from the ASADIP Jornadas 2016 that took place on 10-12 November 2016, …


2016 ASADIP Meeting, University of Buenos Aires, 10 – 11 November

2016 ASADIP Meeting, University of Buenos Aires, 10 – 11 November

2016 ASADIP Meeting Asociación Americana de Derecho Internacional Privado organised the 2016 Meeting hosted by the University of Buenos Aires, on 10 – 11 November 2016. …


November 25th – Economic Transplants and Transnational Law: A Dialogue, by Katja Langenbucher and Brooke Adele Marshall

November 25th – Economic Transplants and Transnational Law: A Dialogue, by Katja Langenbucher and Brooke Adele Marshall

FRIDAY 25th November 2016, Prof. Katja Langenbucher (Sciences Po Ecole de Droit and Goethe-University’s House of Finance) & Brooke Adele Marshall (Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for …


International Conflict of Laws and The Third Restatement: Duke symposium, 4-5 November 2016

International Conflict of Laws and The Third Restatement: Duke symposium, 4-5 November 2016

Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law is organising a symposium this weekend, on “International Conflict of Laws and the …


Friday 18th November – (Foreign) Law as Self-Fashioning, by Pierre Legrand

Friday 18th November – (Foreign) Law as Self-Fashioning, by Pierre Legrand

FRIDAY 18th November 2016, Professor Pierre Legrand (Sciences Po Ecole de Droit) The argument is that no account of (foreign) law — no matter how purportedly descriptive — …


October 19th – Coercion and Autonomy in Transnational Private Law, by Robert Wai

October 19th – Coercion and Autonomy in Transnational Private Law, by Robert Wai

WEDNESDAY 19th October 2016, Prof. Robert Wai (Osgoode Hall Law School, York University) The turn to transnational law admirably directs analysis of contemporary society towards a realistic sense of …


October 14th – The Turn Toward Unilateralism in American Choice of Law, by Hannah Buxbaum

October 14th – The Turn Toward Unilateralism in American Choice of Law, by Hannah Buxbaum

FRIDAY 14th October 2016, Prof. Hannah Buxbaum (Maurer School of Law, Indiana University) In 2000, the European Community filed a lawsuit against RJR Nabisco (RJR) in U.S. federal …


October 7th – Rethinking Comparative Law: Mapping Law’s Transformations, by Leone Niglia

October 7th – Rethinking Comparative Law: Mapping Law’s Transformations, by Leone Niglia

FRIDAY 7th October 2016, Prof. Leone Niglia (University CIII of Madrid) This seminar contributes to comparative scholarly analyses of ‘legal transplants’ and ‘legal change’. Drawing on a combination …